Family Law
We have reached an agreement. It's time to move forward.
Over the years, we’ve seen clients struggle to navigate the separation agreement process. We’ve created an accessible, supportive and affordable solution for separating couples who have reached agreement.
Through Forward>>, we simplify the process of formalising your property and parenting agreements for set fixed fee, quickly and efficiently.
Complete your agreement online in minutes. After review we will provide guidance and recommendations – all within a matter of days.
Do it all online when and where it suits you. We provide real and personalised support, by phone, email and for ACT residents, in person. Our team is here to help every step of the way.
We work with you to produce quality legal documents, taking the time to ensure that your agreement will be enforceable at law, for real peace of mind.
Our pricing is clear at the start. No nasty bill shock or unpredictable costs.
We combine the convenience of a DIY service with the detail and attention of a full service firm.
We help you to prepare your separation agreement so you can move on with your lives with certainty.
1. Reach an agreement
The Forward>> process is for separated couples who have already reached an agreement, do not seek legal advice as to the fairness of their agreement, and/or they are very close to reaching agreement, and just need assistance to resolve any minor details. It involves a commitment to working together.
If you’re not quite there yet and would like to obtain individual legal advice or more information about your options before starting Forward>>, Contact us to book an one on one consultation or Comfort call.
2. Choose your starting point
There are two ways you can start the Forward>> process with us once you’ve confirmed you have an agreement and are ready to get started:
a.) Through an online interview..We will provide guidance to both of you around the process and send you an online interview to complete, which gathers all the personal and financial information we need to document your agreement.
b.) Through a joint information session. This can happen in person or online via video-conference. At this session, we can talk you through the process of documenting your agreement and gather the information necessary to document your agreement in real-time. After the joint information session, we will send both of you a summary and detail the next steps towards finalising your agreement. *Note that there is an additional cost for joint information sessions of $440 incl GST.
We’ll take you through the process and what to expect, answering your questions and explaining your options.
3. Document and lodge your agreement
If there is anything further we need from you, either information or clarification, one of our friendly team will be in touch.
Once you’re both happy with the documents, we can finalise them for signing and lodging with the Court. Then we wait for it to be reviewed.
NOTE: If you seek legal advice about the fairness of your agreement, the law only allows us to act for and provide advice to one of you. We work with lots of friendly family lawyers from other firms who can assist the other party if they seek their own advice. We are happy to provide recommendations.
4. Finalise
Steps can now be taken with the appropriate professionals to implement your agreement. For example, if you are transferring a property, this means taking the documents to a conveyancer to arrange the transfer.
If you’re splitting super as part of your agreement, we’ll get the paperwork sorted on that for you too.
incl. GST
(plus disbursements)
Orders for the sale or transfer of up to two (2) properties (i.e. your home and/or and investment property) between separating spouses.
Simple property orders relating to items of personalty, motor vehicles and other items of limited monetary value.
Essentials + Super
incl. GST
(plus disbursements)
The Essentials + Super Package OR The Essentials Package
Orders to divide your superannuation (excluding Self-Managed Super Funds)
All correspondence to the super funds required for your super splitting agreement.
Essentials + Kids
incl. GST
(plus disbursements)
The Essentials + Super Package
Simple parenting orders.
This includes orders about day to day care arrangements and arrangements for special days such as Christmas and school holidays.
Pick the package that is right for you and get in contact to start the process.
Do you:
- Have more than 2 properties (real estate) to be sold/transferred?
- Have complex financial structures including companies, trusts or SMSFs?
- Have defined benefits scheme superannuation? If so, you will need a valuation for family law purposes if you are splitting your superannuation.
- Only need parenting orders? Consider a Parenting Plan (also read our blog here).
- Need parenting orders about overseas travel, medical needs, education or supervision?
*Please note that package prices do not include extras or disbursements that may be charged by third parties such as title searches (if required), valuations and reports, ASIC searches and court fees.
** Please note that in some circumstances, an affidavit and/or letter to the Court may be recommended to complete your application. If you engage us to prepare these documents for you, additional fees will apply.
We also provide fixed fee services in:
- Drafting and review of Binding Financial Agreements (including “pre nups”)
- Binding Child Support Agreements
- Application for Divorce
- Parenting Plans
- Loan agreements (for family law purposes)
When you pay for a Forward>> solution, we will hold the money in trust until your matter is finalised and then send you an invoice. This invoice will include the costs of any disbursements (i.e. additional title searches or valuation fees).
Legal Advice and Dispute resolution
Peace is not the absence of conflict, but the ability to handle conflict peacefully.
There are endless reasons why couples separate. The Australian legal system treats the symptoms but rarely looks at the causes of a relationship breakdown.
Focusing on legal issues alone does not always resolve conflict, even once matters are settled. Exploring the cause of a separation can often result in a better outcome for everyone.
We provide you with support to address the legal issues and can also work with you to identify other issues that may disrupt an agreement or cause ongoing conflict. We work with other professionals such as financial planners and psychologists to provide well-rounded support and advice.

We offer and provide services and/or representation in the following:
- Mediation (as your representative during the mediation process or as a mediator)
- Interdisciplinary Collaborative Practice (“collaborative law”)
- Lawyer-supported negotiation
- Parenting Co-ordination (as your parenting co-ordinator)
- Arbitration
- Court representation in select matters only
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Amicable Divorce

Coaching by Balance is a distinct and separate service to our family law services and is premised on self-determination and client-generated solutions, choices and possibilities.
The coaching focus is on helping people gain awareness and new perspectives to make changes that optimise their interpersonal relationships.
Please email Pepe at or click here to request a copy of our conflict coaching form “Preparing for your First Coaching Session”