Well, do a bit of a Google on that popular phrase and you get a whole mixed bag of results, mostly negative, about how the problem is not so much with measurement in general but on the blind belief that measurement is intrinsically good and beneficial.
So, why is it one of our 5 non-negotiables?
Because for us, it’s about knowing what we do well, knowing where we need improvement and setting goals to bridge that gap. It’s being accountable to ourselves as evolving and innovative entrepreneurs, lawyers, and coaches so we can deliver our services effectively, sustainably and in our own authentic style.
For some, that might be tabling stats and making graphs and flow charts. Not so much for us – rather it’s about tracking our feedback, tracking our joy, our inspiration and the things that pique our interest and reflecting on how far we’ve come and what we could do better moving forward.
Sure, we probably need to create a few more systems to track these things better and it’s on our to do list, but as always, it’s the big picture that Balance focuses on.
The same can be said when approaching any challenge or big task. Including your divorce.
Do it your way. Do it better. Do it smarter. Do it with heart.