Ongoing parental conflict arises where there is a misinterpretation of agreements and orders, or where situations occur that are not covered in the agreements/orders made and both parents are unable to agree. Parents often describe feeling left to their own devices with no ongoing assistance.
Historically, parties with ongoing parental conflict end up back on the litigation merry-go-round if they can afford the ongoing legal fees. Or end up self-represented in a confusing family law system that has changed recently upon the merging of the two courts. Often, they walk away irreparably damaging their relationship with their child or children.
You are not on your own. There is someone who can assist you. A Parenting Coordinator or “PC”. We were delighted to assist another family this past week with another referral to parenting coordination.
At Balance Family Law, our senior consultant lawyer, Clare Jobson is our resident trained PC and she is more than happy to assist families in this space.
Clare’s specialty is assisting you to overcome your families’ unique obstacles and to assist you to implement child-focused outcomes. Clare is a Lawyer and Collaborative professional, having completed both the Independent Children’s Lawyer and Parenting Coordinator specialised training. She also has a Paediatric nursing background which enables her to offer a unique child-focused perspective.